Friday 25 June 2010

Location Based Content - Database

Designing the Database

As this is just an example of how this is going to work, I have decided to take a very simple approach of a single table.  This holds the location information, which I am going to restrict to Plymouth City Centre.

CREATE TABLE dbo.lobacos
      lobaco_id int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1) PRIMARY KEY,
      lobaco_name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
      Description nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL,
      CreationDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (getDate()),
      longitude float(53) NOT NULL,
      latitude float(53) NOT NULL,
      WebUrl nvarchar(50) NULL,
      OfferUrl nvarchar(50) NULL,
      Icon nvarchar(50)NOT NULL DEFAULT 'marker.png',
      Image nvarchar(50) NULL,
      Category nvarchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Other'

The main key is the Longitude and Latitude.  To enable to fine granularity required these two are using the Float value and not the Northings and Eastings values.

We need to build a couple of functions to return a number of items when given the location co-ordinates.  I am going use and tweak the code found on NerdDinner ( )

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[DistanceBetween](@Lat1 as real,
                @Long1 as real, @Lat2 as real, @Long2 as real)

DECLARE @dLat1InRad as float(53);
SET @dLat1InRad = @Lat1 * (PI()/180.0);
DECLARE @dLong1InRad as float(53);
SET @dLong1InRad = @Long1 * (PI()/180.0);
DECLARE @dLat2InRad as float(53);
SET @dLat2InRad = @Lat2 * (PI()/180.0);
DECLARE @dLong2InRad as float(53);
SET @dLong2InRad = @Long2 * (PI()/180.0);

DECLARE @dLongitude as float(53);
SET @dLongitude = @dLong2InRad - @dLong1InRad;
DECLARE @dLatitude as float(53);
SET @dLatitude = @dLat2InRad - @dLat1InRad;
/* Intermediate result a. */
DECLARE @a as float(53);
SET @a = SQUARE (SIN (@dLatitude / 2.0)) + COS (@dLat1InRad)
                 * COS (@dLat2InRad)
                 * SQUARE(SIN (@dLongitude / 2.0));
/* Intermediate result c (great circle distance in Radians). */
DECLARE @c as real;
SET @c = 2.0 * ATN2 (SQRT (@a), SQRT (1.0 - @a));
DECLARE @kEarthRadius as real;
/* SET kEarthRadius = 3956.0 miles */
SET @kEarthRadius = 6376.5;        /* kms */

DECLARE @dDistance as real;
SET @dDistance = @kEarthRadius * @c;
return (@dDistance);

This “NearestItems” function returns all the items located in a radius of 0.1 miles of the co-ordinates we have given it.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[NearestItems]
      @lat real,
      @long real,
        @num int,
        @distance float
      SELECT top (@num) Lobacos.lobaco_id
      FROM   Lobacos
      WHERE  dbo.DistanceBetween(@lat, @long, Latitude, Longitude) < @distance      

Monday 21 June 2010

Location Based Content

I’ve taken a “time out” to do a little experimentation with Location Based Content.

Location Based content is mobile content on a single page of stuff near you actual location.  Imagine walking down the street, you take out you smartphone and open an app or web page that has content built by stuff around you.  This could be Library information, restaurants, nightclubs, clothes shops etc.  The more content in a single location, the more focused the content is to your location.

If you’re visiting a new town, and want to find out what’s near your hotel, just open up your smartphone or laptop and choose your pleasure.

So over the next week, I’m going to build this and see where it takes me, no advertising, no charges just a quick app to play with.  And C# MVC2 seems a good place to start with a bit of LINQ.